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Showing posts from October, 2014


Triage - We have gone at least five times before: 1. Morning sickness; dehydration 2. Morning sickness; constipation, back pain, urinary infection found 3. Pelvic Pressure; pulled muscle, dehydration, menstrual cramps, unable to walk far or correctly (without being bent over in pain) ; Painful cough/cold ; Contractions found 4. Migraine with aura/vision disturbed; Contractions, Menstrual cramps 5. Bleeding; Contractions; Menstrual cramps, UTI; Placenta Previa diagnosis Antepartum : After visit number five I was finally admitted for a very scary thing: Placenta Previa.  Around 6am: Cramp/Contraction because of full bladder needing to empty, light brown tinged discharge. 10:20 am: Didn't get to bed until 2am. Huge menstrtal cramp and contraction because of full bladder sent me to bathroom second time through the night. Bleeding while wiping with morning urine. Called the midwife. Mentioned bleeding now and previous mention of my placental position during my 20 week ultrasound. Told t...