Hi! I am having a good moment so I thought I would blog. It's funny, I'm typing on my phone and blog is autocorrected to Vlog! I have been spending any free time over there at the good old YouTube! Subscribe! :) Http://www.youtube.com/user/LifeTagsLulu Don't forget! I have been getting a steady 1,000 to 2,000 views a day. Pretty cool, but I would love to actually have a good schedule and exchange. I will be looking through my old channel to make a playlist or two of my old videos including my favorite TAG videos. Accent TAG - Brooklyn, New York , USA: https://youtu.be/dKa4hYJxwh4 Mommy TAG : https://youtu.be/IYSyQfhSokI Personal Questions TAG : https://youtu.be/tzyDpSyFYBQ Are You Mom Enough? TAG : https://youtu.be/xGhed52hrPk Childhood TAG : 90s Kid : https://youtu.be/2Z4cQQx3yC4 It is usually the best way to get to know YouTubers and so I want all my new subscribers to get to know me without having to do it all over again. I will like them in this po...