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- We have gone at least five times before:

1. Morning sickness; dehydration
2. Morning sickness; constipation, back pain, urinary infection found
3. Pelvic Pressure; pulled muscle, dehydration, menstrual cramps, unable to walk far or correctly (without being bent over in pain) ; Painful cough/cold ; Contractions found
4. Migraine with aura/vision disturbed; Contractions, Menstrual cramps
5. Bleeding; Contractions; Menstrual cramps, UTI; Placenta Previa diagnosis

Antepartum: After visit number five I was finally admitted for a very scary thing: Placenta Previa. 

Around 6am: Cramp/Contraction because of full bladder needing to empty, light brown tinged discharge.

10:20 am: Didn't get to bed until 2am. Huge menstrtal cramp and contraction because of full bladder sent me to bathroom second time through the night. Bleeding while wiping with morning urine.
Called the midwife. Mentioned bleeding now and previous mention of my placental position during my 20 week ultrasound. Told to come in for observation.

Afternoon: Finally make it to L&D Triage. 

I was suspected to have placenta previa because my placenta was low and close to my cervix and covering some part from a certain angle.  It wasn't covering my cervix at the time of the official detailed sonogram but they found something else concerning.  I was officially diagnosed at the ultrasound for polyhydramnios. The condition in which there is too much amniotic fluid surrounding baby. Any level over 25 is a problem. The pockets of fluid were measured around baby and my level was at a 30. The cause as to why I have been showing early and measuring ahead a few weeks since the beginning of my pregnancy. 

My midwife thought I ate too much or had gestational diabetes because of my sudden weight gain and because it was squishy but now we know the real reason. She is still telling me to watch my eating in case I am the 10% of gestational diabetic mothers that pass the test during pregnancy. I must see the midwife and have ultrasounds with a non-stress test to monitor baby and levels weekly. I am to be put on bedrest due to my uncomfortable body size, contractions and inability to breathe easy all the time. They gave me a tool to help remind me to breathe deeply and hopefully it does. 


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