I am very surprised I am not tipping over yet! I have the biggest stomach I ever did have in all my life! Measuring at a 48" all around, I am 4 feet of belly! Wow! Oh, and I still have a month left to go until my "due date" !!
Bittersweet Diagnosis: Polyhydramnios
Being recently diagnosed with polyhydramnios has been bittersweet. Sweet in that I know now I was right in my diet and I wasn't gaining all this water weight unhealthily on my own. Bitter as there is a whole new set of risks associated with this situation. Overdistended uterus, PROM or water breaking early, preterm labor, contractions for months, cord prelapse during labor, baby possibly having swallowing issues, gestational diabetes possibility, extra weight gain, bed rest, baby having possible heart, lung or gastional intestional issues.
My Weight Gain
My weight has now plateaud since last month, at about 180-182 pounds. Gaining a total of about 30-35 pounds this pregnancy. Starting out overweight I wanted to gain less but with my condition of polyhydramnios it is excess water weight surrounding baby and none of my control.
Weight & Stretchmarks After Delivery
I wonder what I will weigh after delivery. I bet it will be a shock to my body and I will need to butter up my stomach well to keep moisture and more stretch marks away. I have finally gained stretchmarks on my belly. I had one tiny one next to my belly button with my second child but the ones under my belly are red and irritated as well as growing longer surround my belly button and creeping slowly above my belly button.
Belly Wraps
I have been seeing all these miracle belly binders and systems and can't seem to be convinced that I need all that to get back in shape. I am still trying to decide in a stomach wrap for after pregnancy. The wraps during pregnancy are uncomfortable and tight causing extra bathroom breaks my body cannot provide the energy for. I found a cheap thin sort of stomach wrap at a 99 cent store if all places for like 5 dollars and think it is strong enough in pressure but soft and weak enough in material to be comfortable. Time will tell.
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