Hello little boy! You are three weeks old now. You have been trying to raise your head when on my chest during skin to skin. You have had gas and some crying hours but I'm sure it's jut discomfort. We are hoping it's not colic. We have breastfed for another week successfully. You smell when mommy leaves further than three feet away and you cry cry cry! Your sister changed one of your diapers at four years old and she was very proud of her big sister skills. She has been practicing on her babydolls for months. You are getting heavier and I'm sure you have reached nine pounds already. You have been sleeping longer stretches like the very beginning and you quit your two hour feedings. I am worried because you get so frustrated when you wake up. You do the No no no head shake and you can't stay latched for long. The oversupply or my overactive letdown was the problem before and I am still trying to pump but I have been working twice as much at it since you quit eating as often and now I miss you and hate this pump! I have been researching now where to donate all this breast milk. Unless we invest in a deep freeze I doubt we will hold onto them for long. Pumping nine ounces a session hurts! I offer you to drink more often but you are not interested. I may need to practice that more. You have given up on the soothie for a few days an flat out rejected it. You used me as a soothie but not eating?!you are a confusing boy. You will marathon nurse and comfort nurse or hours before going to bed and you are out for longer then three hours. I though am woken up in a cold sweat and pain because I have to pump while watching you sleep. I am trying to block feed to fix this. One breast at a time.
You also marathon poop after each feeding. You poop and cry immediately for a change. Then you poop at least another time before you are done. Cloth diapering helps me feel better about not wasting diapers, money and ruining the environment with your barely dirty diapers you can't stand on your bum more then a second. You are still crying hysterically through every diaper change.
Your legs are so skinny compared to your cloth fluff diaper butt and you remind me of tommy pickles from the rugrats cartoon. I have been has tagging those pictures as so. Too cute!
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